Strinova Inner Space

Port Euler

Located in Neutroville and adjacent to the Sea of Dreams, Port Euler is the largest Pablo shipping and trade hub in Strinova. Pablo Purification Center, a significant arms industry building, is also located here.

Area 88

District 88, located on the outskirts of Neutroville, is a financial, commercial, and entertainment hub hailed as the "Wall Street of the Dreamworld" by the citizens of Cayau.

Base 404

Built in the True Wilderness, Base 404 was set up by PUS to develop a weapon codenamed “ZERO”. The area is heavily guarded, with no information other than its name ever revealed to the outside world.

Windy Town

Located in downtown Strian, Windy Town is one of the most popular resort areas in all of Strinova. The town's Positano Hotel has been the main venue for Pablo Crystal Technology Exhibition.

